About Us

Hi Everybody — Steve Sweeney here –

And welcome to OnlineMarketerCashFlow.com   

I wanted to create a training/coaching blog for those of you who may need more help or more inspiration on the journey to creating and sustaining a crucial element in everyone’s life — and that is consistent cash flow.  And make no mistake about it – Cash Flow needs to be consistent because our monthly financial obligations are recurring (consistent) month in, and month out.

We will be able to help others with some of the technical aspects of an Online Business.  So whatever the case — I’m glad you’re here.

…So, one of the things that has always been, (shall we say) “unsavory” for me, has been the greed and avarice of people who were supposed to be helping me.  It’s like I been recruited into a program or opportunity, and then my sponsor tried to charge me a fee for coaching or helping me get things set up to win.

I’ve always thought to myself, “Once I get into a position to help one of my team members — there will not be a fee for helping them of providing value to them.  Heck,  one lady (a former sponsor) charged me $150.00 to set up my autoresponder, after I had paid over $750 to join her lame program — but that was my fault for being stupid  and desperate.

I mean seriously, if YOU end up joining one of MY recommended opportunities, I’m already getting a commission for bringing you in — why be greedy and charge even more money for being the leader I’m supposed to be — I don’t get it — and it pisses me off to have to deal with that mentality — so “yes” I have a frick’n chip on my shoulder about that kind of thing – and I plan to do something about it with my blog – OnlineMarketerCashFlow.com

…At any rate, I’m here to help you if you need it or want it.  I have some pretty good connections and resources — that being said — holler at me if you need me — and THAT is what I’m all about — you see my basic core is that of a Go Giver, and the more you stick around me, the more you’ll come to see and know that about me.

So excited to here – so grateful to serve you — that’s where the true riches lye in wait to run me down and over take me in the streets — and you will be a benefactor of me being blessed to be a blessing.

